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TNSE_MGLevel5 Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TNSE_MGLevel5:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TNSE_MGLevel5:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 TNSE_MGLevel5 (int level, TSquareMatrixNSE2D *A, double *f1, double *u1, int n_aux, double *al, int VelocitySpace, int PressureSpace, TFESpace2D *PSpace, TCollection *coll)
 TNSE_MGLevel5 (int level, TSquareMatrixNSE3D *A, double *f1, double *u1, int n_aux, double *al, int VelocitySpace, int PressureSpace, TFESpace3D *PSpace, TCollection *coll)
 ~TNSE_MGLevel5 ()
virtual void Defect (double *u1, double *f1, double *d1, double &res)
virtual void CorrectNodes (double *u1)
virtual void CellVanka (double *u1, double *rhs1, double *aux, int N_Parameters, double *Parameters, int smoother, int N_Levels)
virtual void NodalVanka (double *u1, double *rhs1, double *aux, int N_Parameters, double *Parameters, int smoother, int N_Levels)
virtual void SolveExact (double *u1, double *rhs1)
virtual void SolveExactUMFPACK (double *u1, double *rhs1, int &umfpack_flag)
virtual void BraessSarazin (double *u1, double *rhs1, double *aux, int N_Parameters, double *Parameters, int N_Levels)
virtual double StepLengthControl (double *u1, double *u1old, double *def1, int N_Parameters, double *Parameter)
virtual void PrintAll ()
void GetUstarFromU (double *u, double *ustar)
void GetUFromUstar (double *ustar, double *u)
void GetDstarFromD (double *d, double *dstar)
void GetDFromDstar (double *dstar, double *d)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TNSE_MGLevel
 TNSE_MGLevel (int level, double *f1, double *u1, int n_aux, double *al, int VelocitySpace, int PressureSpace, TCollection *coll)
 ~TNSE_MGLevel ()
double * GetAuxVector (int i)
void GetSolution (double *&u1, double *&u2, double *&p)
void GetRhs (double *&f1, double *&f2, double *&f3)
void GetSolution (double *&u1, double *&u2, double *&u3, double *&p)
void GetRhs (double *&f1, double *&f2, double *&f3, double *&f4)
void GetSolutionVector (double *&u1)
void GetRhsVector (double *&f1)
double ** GetAuxVectors ()
int GetN_UDOF ()
int GetN_PDOF ()
int GetVelocitySpace ()
int GetPressureSpace ()
int GetHangingNodeBound ()
int GetN_Dirichlet ()
void Update (double *u1, double *v1)
void SetHangingNodes (double *u1)
void CorrectDefect (double *v1)
void Reset (double *v1)
TFESpace2DGetUSpace ()
TFESpace2DGetPSpace ()
TFESpace3DGetUSpace ()
TFESpace3DGetPSpace ()
TCollectionGetCollection ()
void SetCollection (TCollection *coll)
int GetType ()

Protected Attributes

int * BeginJb
int * jb
int N_DOFperJoint
double * Alpha
int N_Cells
int * ARowPtr
int * AKCol
double * AEntries
- Protected Attributes inherited from TNSE_MGLevel
int Level
int Type
int N_Dirichlet
int N_Active
int HangingNodeBound
int N_DOF
int N_UDOF
int N_PDOF
int VelocitySpace
int PressureSpace
double * Rhs1
double * Rhs2
double * Rhs3
double * RhsP
double * U1
double * U2
double * U3
double * P
int N_Aux
double ** Aux
double * Additional
double alpha
double beta
int * downwind
int * velo_velo_local_coupling
int * gradient_local_coupling
int * divergence_local_coupling

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TNSE_MGLevel5::TNSE_MGLevel5 ( int  level,
TSquareMatrixNSE2D a,
double *  f1,
double *  u1,
int  n_aux,
double *  al,
int  velocity_space,
int  pressure_space,
TFESpace2D pspace,
TCollection Coll 


Here is the call graph for this function:

TNSE_MGLevel5::~TNSE_MGLevel5 ( )


Member Function Documentation

void TNSE_MGLevel5::BraessSarazin ( double *  u1,
double *  rhs1,
double *  aux,
int  N_Parameters,
double *  Parameters,
int  N_Levels 

Braess–Sarazin smoother

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

void TNSE_MGLevel5::CellVanka ( double *  u1,
double *  rhs1,
double *  aux,
int  N_Parameters,
double *  Parameters,
int  smoother,
int  N_Levels 

Vanka smoother

cellwise Vanka smoother, GAUSS-SEIDEL type

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TNSE_MGLevel5::CorrectNodes ( double *  u1)

correct Dirichlet and hanging nodes

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

void TNSE_MGLevel5::Defect ( double *  u,
double *  f,
double *  d,
double &  res 

calculate defect

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

void TNSE_MGLevel5::GetDFromDstar ( double *  dstar,
double *  d 

calculate d-representation form dstar-representation

calculate d-representation from dstar-representation

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TNSE_MGLevel5::GetDstarFromD ( double *  d,
double *  dstar 

calculate dstar-representation from d-representation

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TNSE_MGLevel5::GetUFromUstar ( double *  ustar,
double *  u 

calculate u-representation form ustar-representation

calculate u-representation from ustar-representation

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TNSE_MGLevel5::GetUstarFromU ( double *  u,
double *  ustar 

calculate ustar-representation from u-representation

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TNSE_MGLevel5::NodalVanka ( double *  u1,
double *  rhs1,
double *  aux,
int  N_Parameters,
double *  Parameters,
int  smoother,
int  N_Levels 

Vanka smoother

nodal Vanka smoother, GAUSS-SEIDEL type

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

void TNSE_MGLevel5::PrintAll ( )

print all matrices and both right hand sides

print all matrices and oth right hand sides

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

void TNSE_MGLevel5::SolveExact ( double *  u1,
double *  rhs1 

solve exact on this level

solve exact on this level, old version

solve exact on this level solve exact on this level, old version

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TNSE_MGLevel5::SolveExactUMFPACK ( double *  u1,
double *  rhs1,
int &  umfpack_flag 

solve exact on this level

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

double TNSE_MGLevel5::StepLengthControl ( double *  u1,
double *  u1old,
double *  def1,
int  N_Parameters,
double *  Parameters 

step length control for Vanka

step length control for smoother

Reimplemented from TNSE_MGLevel.

Member Data Documentation

TSquareMatrixNSE2D* TNSE_MGLevel5::A

matrix A

TSquareMatrixNSE3D* TNSE_MGLevel5::A

matrix A

double* TNSE_MGLevel5::AEntries

matrix entries of matrix A

int* TNSE_MGLevel5::AKCol

column number vector for matrix A

int* TNSE_MGLevel5::ARowPtr

row pointer for matrix A

int TNSE_MGLevel5::N_Cells

number of cells in collection

TStructureNSE2D* TNSE_MGLevel5::StructureA

structure of matrix A

TStructureNSE3D* TNSE_MGLevel5::StructureA

structure of matrix A

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