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Getting ParMooN

\draw [blue] [ultra thick, \vert-] (-1,4.5) -- (1,4...
...5,2) {ReadIn};
\draw [blue] [ultra thick] (1,1) -- (1,8);

ParMooN folder contains the above sub-folders, where 2DPrograms/3DPrograms contains the main programs for stationary and time-dependent convection-diffusion-reaction equation and Navier-Stokes equations. Further, Examples folder contains standard example files, where the boundary condition, boundary values and data for different problems can be defined. The Mesh folder contains all necessary data for meshing. Further, ReadIn folder contains ReadIn files, where the input parameters to be used during the computations can be defined. Finally, the OutPut is used to store the executable file and results. cmake folder contains cmake configuration files, which need not be modified. Similarly, EXT_LIB folder contains libraries of other open source pages such as Triangle, Tetgen, UMFPACK, MUMPS, etc. The src/include folders contain source and its header files of ParMooN.

Sashi 2016-11-26